[EVG photo at Hamilton Fish Pool]
This summer, the city is only reopening 15 public pools via a phased-in schedule. On Wednesday, Hamilton Fish Pool — the only one servicing this area — will open for a limited month-long run over on Pitt and East Houston.
Here are details via the Parks Department website:
• Pool hours will remain the same: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., and 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Sessions may be split further at the discretion of the pool managers to accommodate more patrons.
• All pool patrons will be required to wear a face covering to enter the pool facility. Face coverings must be worn in locker rooms, bathrooms, and on the pool deck. They are not to be worn in the water.
• Please maintain at least six feet of social distance, except between members of the same household. If a pool reaches capacity, we may provide patrons with a time of day to return to the line.
• During general swim hours, aquatic programs including Lap Swim, Learn to Swim, Senior Splash & Swim, and Water Exercise classes have been cancelled for the summer.
The pool closes for the season on Sept. 7.
The Dry Dock Pool on 10th Street and Avenue D and the Tompkins Square Park mini pool will not open this summer.